Nest Check 2024

Nest Check has started. Watch these penguins raise their chicks as the season progresses. Some of the nests need names. Submit them to me here:









December 2024. We have arrived at Cape Royds on Ross Island, Antarctica and have selected the 8  penguin families to follow for the 2024-2025 season. Join us and see what happens.

The pictures below are the nests from 2024-25 season. Click on the NEST # to see the daily pictures of that family and the story of their chicks.
Go HERE  to  see the pictures and stories from 2019 as 11 penguin families raised their chicks at Cape Royds breeding colony.  Click HERE to see nests from previous years (2012-2018).

You can also see live daily pictures of the colony on our webcam by going HERE.

Jan 13, 2025.     Nest Check for the 2024/25   season is over. We have pack our equipment and are leaving  Cape Royds field camp.  This year the chicks were big and healthy. The open ocean was near and there was plenty of food.  Join us next Nov to watch a whole new seto of parents raise their chicks.

Nest 1

Band #06661  – Male

This male is 11 years old and has been in our study before. Let’s see if he can raise these 2 chicks. The chicks have been named Adelio and Niko by the 7th graders in Ms Schaefer’s class at Mascoutah MS, IL.

penguin pair

Nest 2

Band #05150 – Male

 This is our oldest bird at age 17. He has raised several chicks since first breeding at age 10.  This family has been named by some middle schoolers, Olive and Elise, in Las Vegs, NV. The parents are Malcom and Pretzel, the chicks, Icepop and Pebbles.


penguin pair

Nest 3

Band # 78786 – Male

This male has been in our study before and has a new mate this year. Two chicks have already hatched.  He has been a good parent in the past. These birds have been named by the students in Peg Volak’s class at Bedminster ES in Perkasie, PA. The parents are Iris and Jasper. The chicks are Waddle-Waddle and Piper.

penguin pair

Nest 4

Band #76949 – Female

This is a 6 year old female who tried to raise chicks last year. She was unsuccessful.  These chicks were hatched on Dec 23 and 24. The family has been named by the 4th grade students in Mr. Micco’s class at Saint Simon and Jude School in Huntington Beach, CA.  The adults are Chilli and Bandit, the chicks are Bingo and Bluey.

Nest 5

Band #76674 – Female

This is a  7 year old bird who has never raised chicks.   There are already 2 chicks. This penguin family has been named by the Henry Family in Las Vegas, NV.  The parents are Chase and Mirrorball, the chicks are Pablo and Spiderman.


Penguin pair

Nest 6

Band #76836 – Female

Another young parent. This female was seen in 2023, but did not have a nest or lay eggs. Her nest is in a large group of birds so there is some protection from the Skuas. Her name is Pumkin and the male’s name is Mario.  The chick has been named Baquette. These names are from Ms Grimm’s  Environmental class at Sunnyside ES, Portland OR.  


penguin on nest

Nest 7

Band #77225 – Male

This is a very young bird, only 4 years old.  They have 2 eggs and a strong nest. Perhaps the female is older and an experienced breeder.  Ashley, a middle schooler from Las Vegas, NV has named the male Skipper. Her friend Amanda has named the female Kowalski.

Nest 8

Band #76601 – Female

We have many young breeders this year. This female is only 7 years old and her first nest.   Perhaps her mate is older and will help raise these chicks. These chicks have been named Todo and Munckin by a group of students in Californina.  The mother is  Galinda and the father is Fiero.