Understanding penguin response to climate and ecosystem change
We explore Adelie penguins and their response to climate change.
Like animals everywhere, Antarctic penguins are adjusting, or not, to changes in their habitat brought by warming temperatures. With extensive field research on their existing colonies, and a 45,000 year-old record contained in deposits of their bones and egg shells, we are learning how Antarctic penguins adjust to rapid climate changes than almost any other creature on Earth.

Ross Sea Marine Protected Area
To learn about effects of industrial fishing on the penguins’ food web and its impact on the Ross Sea ecosystem click here
children’s book about Adélie penguin research at cape royds, antarctica
Our team member Jean Pennycook shares her adventures as she follows the lives of Adélie Penguins in Antarctica. Click HERE to see the book.
current Projects
What we are working on now.
Past Projects
Results from prior research and collaborations.
Meet our people
Our penguin team
penguin cam
See daily pictures of our Adelie penguin breeding colony at Cape Royds

Videos and images
Webisoides Gallery of Pictures
Penguins, whales, seals and ice. Something for everyone.
Join our team
Click HERE to apply

Classroom activites
Fly your flag in front of the penguins, get a postcard from Antarctica and so much more.

Adopt a Penguin Family
Follow a penguin family on a daily basis as they raise thier chick at Cape Royds

Penguin Resources
Penguin books, glossary, ask a question.